volgograd, 1

so, after all the sights and walking
after all of the museums and palaces
and after a nice 19 hour train ride
here i am, in volgograd
the former namesake of stalin himself
the seat of volgogradskij oblast'

i have to say, i feel like a complete idiot
my host mom's name is lyudmila [or lyuda, as she told me to call her],
and i can't understand most of the things she says
i was expecting to pick up at least a little bit more
but man, my comprehension absolutely sucks
hopefully this will get better as classes gear up
and i actually practice my conversing
but damn
they could be telling me anything and everything under the sun
and all i can do is smile and nod and say da
wish me luck at all that
otherwise it's going to be a long five weeks
a long, misunderstood, awkward five weeks


garydean said...

ah dandy - these blogs are wonderful to read - i feel like i'm there - i send them to elaine and judy. can't imagine standing and looking at lenin's body - makes the hairs stand up on my neck. to be in st. basils is indeed a wonderful thing. miss you every day - hope all goes well for the rest of the trip. take care - gay dean

garydean said...

with your gift for language you should have no problem - we are on the countdown to our birthdays - amazing that you're half way around the world at the same time! keep writing!

gary dean

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