
hey blogosphere, guess what?
i actually have something to say today
nice a change of pace, isn't it?
i would've shared a few days ago,
but i figured i'd let finals finish before i did

i got good news about three days ago
first good news i'd gotten in a while, actually
turns out, i got accepted for the internship i applied for
but, that in and of itself isn't a huge deal
the big deal is that it's a semester long
and it's not at msu
this fall, i'm gonna be studying at cuny on scholarship,
[city university of new york]
taking classes in labor history
and interning with a union organization
[plus, i get a weekly stipend]
i'm pretty fuckin stoked about it

i figured i should probly make this public knowledge
especially since i'll have to cancel on some commitments,
but it's still kinda cool, yeah?
i've been lookin to take a break from school for a while
msu's great, don't get me wrong,
but the novelty starts to wear off after a while
and, nothing like new york for a change of pace,
hopefully my dislike for it will wear off quickly

also, since i'm sure some of you would jump at the opportunity,
consider this an open invitation to come visit
i'm sure i could use the company at some point


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