i should probly update this more often
but you know what life is like in the big city
crazy and hectic, doing shit all the time,
so that doesn't particularly help my case
either way, i'm doing it now
i got super lucky this week,
because my tuesday class got cancelled
good thing my history prof has a heart
[that or she realized no one would be there]
she wrote us this long email about what we could do with the free time
read a book, study, work on our papers, go out and enjoy the city,
eat a nice meal, do some work, sleep, whatever we desired
it was actually kinda funny
i'm glad she had the wherewithal to put in 'sleep'
she must know me better than i think
not a whole lot to report on for the past week or so
i didn't do a whole lot at work,
since it was kinda slow
and we're in the eternal process of waiting for people to get back to us
partly the lij thing, partly waiting for word from presby
[though that's more on management than bennet]
i did get to take part in a jobs committee 'taskforce' meeting today, though
it was pretty interesting
some of the higher ups/lmp people wanted to do a jc training session
and i got to take part in it
make materials, take notes, write up the ideas, that kind of stuff
it wasn't the best, but it was better than nothing
i'd rather be part of the process than not involved
the good thing about that meeting i went to
[if ever i could say such a thing]
is that it's for an ongoing project
which they will be more meetings/materials/involvement to come
it kinda sucks that work is picking up right before finals
but i would so much rather end the semester that way
crazy busy yet crazy productive
can't go wrong with that
i'll have a funny story for you guys when i get back
a funny yet insanely irritating story that is still unresolved
once it gets taken care of,
i'll share with the world
and with that cliffhanger, peace
training in gotham
holy shit on a stick, son
i got some travel in the past two days, boy
bout time, too
i was kinda sick of sitting in that office all day
first, on wednesday, [the 10th],
i got to go up to columbia presbyterian for the afternoon
i finally managed to get some field work!
i met up with an organizer named bennet,
and we both went to a grievance hearing with the psych dep't
[fun fact:
this was the delegate's first ever grievance hearing
since she just completed delegate training last month
talk about excitement, eh?]
after the hearing, he showed me around the facility
i got to see the school of dentistry,
school of optometry,
part of the psychiatric care ward
the old and new psych buildings
and the tiny little office the union works out of
after we finished the tour and did some paperwork,
i got to sit in on their jobs committee meeting
being out in the field was much better than i anticipated
i wasn't expecting it to really be my thing,
but damn did i enjoy it
i'll be heading back up there sometime after thanksgiving
and i can't wait
then, yesterday,
i went out to hicksville
[yes, there is a hicksville in new york
hell of a name for a place that isn't a backward–ass hooverville]
anyway, me and ramón went out there to long island jewish medical center
apparently they're trying to develop a delegate training curriculum
and they wanted to incorporate the labor–management project
so me, my mentor, and the other intern's mentor went out
we had some meetings, got some bagels,
and generally had a productive time
AND, because i am respectfully critical and insightful,
managed to give my two cents about the matter
and not come off like a giant douchebag
[apparently they were somewhat impressed with my assessment,
since they told ramón that after we were done]
so i actually attended a meeting that didn't bore me to tears
and i got a free round trip on the lirr
it was a good end of the week for me
add on the fact that i didn't have to go to class today,
and it was a damn good week for this guy right here
this week is supposed to be heralding what's to come down the stretch
ramón really wants me to get involved in some of the department's projects
so i'll be sitting in on a few more meetings
[which, believe me, is thrilling]
and handling more of the substantive work
along with going out in the field
and meeting some of the higher ups in the union
damn, did i get me a good internship or what?
i got some travel in the past two days, boy
bout time, too
i was kinda sick of sitting in that office all day
first, on wednesday, [the 10th],
i got to go up to columbia presbyterian for the afternoon
i finally managed to get some field work!
i met up with an organizer named bennet,
and we both went to a grievance hearing with the psych dep't
[fun fact:
this was the delegate's first ever grievance hearing
since she just completed delegate training last month
talk about excitement, eh?]
after the hearing, he showed me around the facility
i got to see the school of dentistry,
school of optometry,
part of the psychiatric care ward
the old and new psych buildings
and the tiny little office the union works out of
after we finished the tour and did some paperwork,
i got to sit in on their jobs committee meeting
being out in the field was much better than i anticipated
i wasn't expecting it to really be my thing,
but damn did i enjoy it
i'll be heading back up there sometime after thanksgiving
and i can't wait
then, yesterday,
i went out to hicksville
[yes, there is a hicksville in new york
hell of a name for a place that isn't a backward–ass hooverville]
anyway, me and ramón went out there to long island jewish medical center
apparently they're trying to develop a delegate training curriculum
and they wanted to incorporate the labor–management project
so me, my mentor, and the other intern's mentor went out
we had some meetings, got some bagels,
and generally had a productive time
AND, because i am respectfully critical and insightful,
managed to give my two cents about the matter
and not come off like a giant douchebag
[apparently they were somewhat impressed with my assessment,
since they told ramón that after we were done]
so i actually attended a meeting that didn't bore me to tears
and i got a free round trip on the lirr
it was a good end of the week for me
add on the fact that i didn't have to go to class today,
and it was a damn good week for this guy right here
this week is supposed to be heralding what's to come down the stretch
ramón really wants me to get involved in some of the department's projects
so i'll be sitting in on a few more meetings
[which, believe me, is thrilling]
and handling more of the substantive work
along with going out in the field
and meeting some of the higher ups in the union
damn, did i get me a good internship or what?

a note on hipsters, and other thoughts
you know,
for a city of 8 million+ people,
and the largest metropolitan area in the country
this place doesn't have SHIT open late at night
the only place i've found open all night is a starbucks
and a really, REALLY shady 'internet cafe' near my apartment
c'mon new yawk, get it the fuck together
i can do more things at midnight in east lansing than i can here
and that just reflects badly on you
halloween was this past weekend [obviously]
and i have to say, the costumes i saw were kind of disappointing
i contribute that to two different factors:
first, i have to go through fucking williamsburg to get to the city
which means i had to see all the hipster 'costumes' that were out
talk about an unimaginative bunch
second, i spent most of saturday/sunday in the east and west villages
and there's a lot of hipsters/college students/yuppie fuckers there
and they aren't the most original bunch
not in this city, anyway
so there were lots of repeats
lots of stock costumes that were obviously bought in the same store
it was a big ol' clusterfuck of fail
i did, however, see one awesome costume on my travels
[and by travels, i mean across the street from where i live]
i saw a chinese kurt cobain, accompanied by requisite grunge groupie
best part? he was signing nirvana songs while he was walking
and there is nothing funnier than hearing 'lithium' in a thick chinese accent
'i so happy,
cuz today i foun my fwends
dey're in mah head
i so ugly,
dat's okay cuz so are yooou
broke awr mirrows
sunday morning is eveyday
for awl ah care'
i about pissed myself i laughed so hard
and finally,
a note on these fucking hipsters
i have to see them every goddamn day on the subway
and i do mean every day, in droves
that's the beauty of going through williamsburg the long way
it just gives them more time to get on
and then i have to go through the lower east to my connection
which means i go through their manhattan haven,
so i get to see even more of them
it's bad enough i have to look at them
with their weird fucking fashion and terrible haircuts
coupled with tedious discussion and 'ironic' music taste
they're like fucking cockroaches, man
i bet if brooklyn got nuked,
these scrawny bastards would start poking up out of the rubble
talking about how 'meta' everything is
i don't care if i sound like a crotchety old man
i make friends with people of all types
and i let people make their own lifestyle choices
there's a guy in this program who's so punk he's actually crusty
and yet, he's a great guy, so i don't give a shit
i know people of all walks of life
but goddamned if there isn't something about them that boils my blood
every time i see one of them reading kerouac or jung or hemingway,
i just wanna reach out and choke a bitch
you how bad they are?
they make me miss emo kids
yeah, fucking emo kids
i would rather deal with people in black nail polish,
overly–done eye makeup with black swooshy hair to match
bitching about their pitiful existences and listening to hawthorne heights
having to suffer through terrible, angsty teenage poetry
and hearing them complain about getting called 'goth'
than deal with these fucking hipsters
maybe it's cuz emos are less assuming, and aren't aloof about it
with them, you just don't understand one person's pain
[you don't know what it's like to be me]
with hipsters, you just don't understand anything
[you don't get irony, do you?/have you ever read anything so meta?]
overly–judgmental lofty pricks
i don't think i'll ever be able to complain about msu hipsters again
they just don't cut it, as far as hipsters go
they're like shallow shells of could–be hipness
at least, armed with the knowledge i now possess,
i can start knocking them down a couple pegs
break enough of their souls to get them to shut the hell up
be warned, e/l hipsters: i come for you
for a city of 8 million+ people,
and the largest metropolitan area in the country
this place doesn't have SHIT open late at night
the only place i've found open all night is a starbucks
and a really, REALLY shady 'internet cafe' near my apartment
c'mon new yawk, get it the fuck together
i can do more things at midnight in east lansing than i can here
and that just reflects badly on you
halloween was this past weekend [obviously]
and i have to say, the costumes i saw were kind of disappointing
i contribute that to two different factors:
first, i have to go through fucking williamsburg to get to the city
which means i had to see all the hipster 'costumes' that were out
talk about an unimaginative bunch
second, i spent most of saturday/sunday in the east and west villages
and there's a lot of hipsters/college students/yuppie fuckers there
and they aren't the most original bunch
not in this city, anyway
so there were lots of repeats
lots of stock costumes that were obviously bought in the same store
it was a big ol' clusterfuck of fail
i did, however, see one awesome costume on my travels
[and by travels, i mean across the street from where i live]
i saw a chinese kurt cobain, accompanied by requisite grunge groupie
best part? he was signing nirvana songs while he was walking
and there is nothing funnier than hearing 'lithium' in a thick chinese accent
'i so happy,
cuz today i foun my fwends
dey're in mah head
i so ugly,
dat's okay cuz so are yooou
broke awr mirrows
sunday morning is eveyday
for awl ah care'
i about pissed myself i laughed so hard
and finally,
a note on these fucking hipsters
i have to see them every goddamn day on the subway
and i do mean every day, in droves
that's the beauty of going through williamsburg the long way
it just gives them more time to get on
and then i have to go through the lower east to my connection
which means i go through their manhattan haven,
so i get to see even more of them
it's bad enough i have to look at them
with their weird fucking fashion and terrible haircuts
coupled with tedious discussion and 'ironic' music taste
they're like fucking cockroaches, man
i bet if brooklyn got nuked,
these scrawny bastards would start poking up out of the rubble
talking about how 'meta' everything is
i don't care if i sound like a crotchety old man
i make friends with people of all types
and i let people make their own lifestyle choices
there's a guy in this program who's so punk he's actually crusty
and yet, he's a great guy, so i don't give a shit
i know people of all walks of life
but goddamned if there isn't something about them that boils my blood
every time i see one of them reading kerouac or jung or hemingway,
i just wanna reach out and choke a bitch
you how bad they are?
they make me miss emo kids
yeah, fucking emo kids
i would rather deal with people in black nail polish,
overly–done eye makeup with black swooshy hair to match
bitching about their pitiful existences and listening to hawthorne heights
having to suffer through terrible, angsty teenage poetry
and hearing them complain about getting called 'goth'
than deal with these fucking hipsters
maybe it's cuz emos are less assuming, and aren't aloof about it
with them, you just don't understand one person's pain
[you don't know what it's like to be me]
with hipsters, you just don't understand anything
[you don't get irony, do you?/have you ever read anything so meta?]
overly–judgmental lofty pricks
so be warned, droves and droves of people i know who want to come here,
new york isn't at all bread and roses, happiness and joy, grunge and sorrow
there's also fucking hipsters here, too
and you're gonna have to deal with them
and you're gonna hate every fucking second of it
i don't think i'll ever be able to complain about msu hipsters again
they just don't cut it, as far as hipsters go
they're like shallow shells of could–be hipness
at least, armed with the knowledge i now possess,
i can start knocking them down a couple pegs
break enough of their souls to get them to shut the hell up
be warned, e/l hipsters: i come for you

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